Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Greatest Halo Victories

For those who dont know add me on xfire dylanmachinima and join my clan Sons Of Liberty. Anyway these are just great victorys of mine on Halo

Vs Gore 2/3 for mandalorian army
Vs Knight 12 kills over 9 for fun
Vs Killjoy 17 kills over 6 for fun
Vs Limp Noodle 5 kills over 1 for fun
Vs Corey about 100 times victory after victory he won some but i won most

Vs Mandalore
Vs Traya

Fallout 3 Review

Well heres a game everyone should agree is awesome. Fallout 3. Game of the Year 2008. Lets get rolling.
Well basically First person or third person shooter + RPG. Theres weapons you can find on enemies and laying around that you can swing or shoot in first person or third person. Yes you can switch between the two whenever you want. Also theres alot of RPG elements. Well you can grab alot of junk throughout the game but the stuff has a weight limit and you can only cary so much. If you go over you get over encumbered and have to walk very slowly. So you either drop some things or live with it your choice. Anyway you can search bodies get stimpacks for health. Also there is leveling up. You can increase your skills and get perks to help you. Your skills determine if you can persuade people how hard of locks can you pick how hard computers can you hack all that. Also theres a karma system. Good things will get you good karma and bad things vice versa. depending on your karma path alot of different things could happen.

Well uh its alright but its not exactly its strong point. I mean there is a story and several sidequests but its not really the main focus. Its more just your goal. uh no spoilers but basically youre just looking for your dad. After that some shit happends and...bleh.

Great. High quality, top notch. Theres all sorts of sounds corresponding. Whether it be Mirelurks attacking or Raiders cussing at you, you know its good. the voice acting is great and well theres not much music unless you listnen to the radio. For some ungodly reason they included all 50s songs on the radio but it somehow works in an odd way

The Capital Wasteland is so huge and theres so many locations to explore, you can spend 50+ hours just roaming around and youd find all sorts of new things. So many secrets and weapons and collectibles...just ahhh. And once your done with the main thing theres DLC to add on to it. You can easily spend 150+ hours on this game

Gameplay 9.8/10
Story 9/10
Sounds 10/10
Lasting Appeal 10/10

OVERALL: 10/10